Camp Pendleton Marine charged with sexually assaulting teen

Judge in Trump Jan. 6 case issues order limiting use of "sensitive" material Trauma surgeon on response to Maui fires: "We're tough" Sam Bankman-Fried jailed for alleged witness tampering ECOWAS force on 'standby' for Niger Taliban warned against missions abroad Police apologize after Black teen cuffed in "wrong place, wrong time" case 3-year-old migrant girl dies aboard bus headed from Texas to Chicago The obscure law about government secrets that could shape the Trump documents trial Ambassador Liu Xiaoming stated China's solemn position on the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China on the qualification of members of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to Perman Video shows hissing snake found in Arizona woman's toilet Family, preservationists work to rescue former "safe haven" along Route 66 Huawei reports revenue uptick Thalassemia sufferers given new hope Judge who's charged with murder allegedly texted staff: "I just shot my wife" Toyota recalls roughly 168,000 vehicles over fire risk Shein's mounting ethical concerns may push some Gen Z to shop elsewhere Maui fires become deadliest natural disaster in Hawaii's history After Maui fires, health risks linger in the air, water and buildings Camp Pendleton Marine charged with sexually assaulting teen